International Day of the Girl

Celebrate What it Means to be a Girl
On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. Girls around the world continue to face unprecedented challenges to their education, physical and mental wellness, and the protections needed for a life without violence. COVID-19 has exacerbated existing burdens on girls and worn away important gains made over the last decade. With adversity, however, comes resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience. The world's 600 million adolescent girls have shown time and time again that given the skills and the opportunities, they can be the change makers driving progress in their communities, building them back stronger for all, including men, women, and boys.
Celebratory Lunch will be provided.
International Day of the Girl expects to welcome up to 400 girls and adult decision makers representing our membership from 9 counties
TAKE ACTIONSpiral Bound Notebooks
Composition Notebooks
Backpacks, designed for elementary or high school students
Glue Sticks
Kids Scissors
Pencil Sharpeners