1/25 | Audience-Troop Leader and Cookie Manager
Next Steps
Perm Form and Vol agreements
Girl Delivered opt in or out
Go live in SC
Troop Rosters - Goal Setting
GSWNY Website
Who's your Co?
Su Incentive??
2/1 | Audience-Troop Leader and Cookie Manager
Cookies 101
Logging in to SC & DC - Troop Dashboard
Girls - operation and permissions, etc
Troop Cookie link
Girl Delivered opt out
Booth Lottery
Entering girl payments into SC
Council website
2/8 | Audience - Troops and SU
Booth Lottery
Initial order phase
Council Secured Booths
Troop Secured booths
Take Cookie Entrepreneur to work week
2/15 | Audience - Troops and SU
DC - Caregiver Initial Order Entry
Goal Getter Orders - Explained
Troop Initial Orders
How many cookies for booth sales?
Schedule delivery appointment
Keep Goaling Orders
Booth Buyouts
Troop Lead/Zip Code for TDS Links
GS Cookie Weekend
2/22 Recorded version of 2/15 - Open Office Hours